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FEeLS Course List

FEeLS Course List

by Ms. Iroshini Ratnapala -
Number of replies: 0

Dear Students

Please check your course list in the current semsters and previous semesters also. Availability and correctness of your FEeLS course list are very important because the Exam course page access is given based on the FEeLS course list.

If you find any differences in your FEeLS course list and your registered course list please mention the following information and send a mail to on or before 10th July 2021.

  • Your registration number:
  • List of the missing courses in FEeLS with the following details (Course code, offered semester,  Semester started month and Year)
  • List of the Extra courses in FEeLS  with the following details (Course code, offered semester,  Semester started month and Year)

Remember you have to go to your profile page to see all the available courses  (Don't use the Left Menu)