Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) - Undergraduate Students

How to access Faculty of Engineering Online Assessment System (FoEOAS)

How to access Faculty of Engineering Online Assessment System (FoEOAS)

by Ms. Iroshini Ratnapala -
Number of replies: 0

All the online exams are taken place via the Faculty of Engineering Online Assessment System (FoEOAS) which you can access using the FEeLS-2022 login credentials.

You have to check whether the site is accessible to your account. Use one of the following methods to access the site. Method 2  and Method 3 will be used to access the site during the examination.

The courses will appear on the exam date under the My courses block on the home page.

Method 1

  1. Login to FEeLS-2022
  2. Click on the "Faculty of Engineering Online Assessment System (FoEOAS)" link in the Network Servers block at the right-hand of the FEeLS home page. (see figure)

FoEOAS access Method 1


Method 2

  1. Browse Faculty of Engineering Online Assessment System (FoEOAS) via the URL
  2. Click on the button "Faculty of Engineering eLearning System" under "Login using your account on" (see the figure)
  3. You will be prompt to FEeLS login page then type your FEeLS login Credentials and login.

FoEOAS access Method 2


Method 2

  1. Browse Faculty of Engineering Online Assessment System (FoEOAS) via the URL
  2. Click on Log in link at the top right corner
  3. Click on the button "Faculty of Engineering eLearning System-2022" under "Login using your account on" (see the figure)
  4. You will be prompt to FEeLS-2022 login page then type your FEeLS-2022 login Credentials and login.


login FoEOAS