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Online Teaching-Learning Environment at Faculty of Engineering, University of Peradeniya

Online Teaching-Learning Environment at Faculty of Engineering, University of Peradeniya

by Roshan G. Ragel -
Number of replies: 0

Dear Students of the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Peradeniya,

Due to the current crisis in the country (& the world), we have to continue with the current mode of online teaching-learning, until it is safe to bring all the students back. This would mean finishing the current semester (online parts) and moving on to the next semester (except for students in the 8th semester) and conducting the remaining parts and final exams after the resumption.

While we want to continue to ensure that every one of you can graduate as soon as possible, we also want to make sure that every one of you can participate in the compulsory online teaching-learning components until the resumption.

Therefore, kindly provide accurate responses to the following questionnaire, based on your experience over the last month of the online teaching-learning process in the Faculty of Engineering.

This information will be kept strictly confidential. It will only be used to improve the quality of the online teaching-learning environment of the Faculty of Engineering and to find solutions to any issue that you may be facing.

PLEASE UNDERSTAND that if you didn't raise any issue you have here, or immediately with your Head of the Department or Advisor, then the Faculty won't be able to help you later (e.g., after the resumption, end-of-semester, etc.)

This is COMPULSORY for all Engineering Students! Those who do not respond by the end of 11 May 2020 will be assumed to have no issues with the online teaching-learning and continuation with their degree program under these circumstances.

Please help us to spread the message and get responses from ALL the students.