Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) - Teaching Staff

How to Send a General Message to students

How to Send a General Message to students

by Ms. Iroshini Ratnapala -
Number of replies: 0

  • Click on "Students' Notices" in Notice Board block at the Home page
  • Select the correct Group from the Separate Group Menu (All students or a separate batch)
  • Click "Add a new Discussion Topic" 
  • Type the subject and message.
  • You can insert video/ Image/ Link/  Voice cut (go to Teachers'page to get the help video)
  • You can record your own video
  • Click "Advanced" next to the cancel button to set some other options ex: display period or add an attachment
  • Click "Post to Forum" button if you have finished adding contents.
  • The message will be posted to the forum and email will be generated to those who are subscribed the forum within 10 minutes.