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The Teaching-Learning Process at the Faculty of Engineering

The Teaching-Learning Process at the Faculty of Engineering

by Roshan G. Ragel -
Number of replies: 1

Dear Students of the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Peradeniya,

Due to the Covid-19 epidemic-related issues, and the current crisis in the country, we have had to continue with online teaching-learning up to now. Even though the conditions are not ideal we are trying to bring all the students back.

While we want to continue to ensure that every one of you can graduate as soon as possible, we also want to make sure that every one of you can participate in the teaching-learning process. In addition, we want to find out the issues that make it difficult or impossible for some of you to successfully take part in your studies.

Therefore, kindly provide accurate responses to the following questions.

This information will be kept strictly confidential. It will only be used to improve the quality of the teaching-learning environment of the Faculty of Engineering and to find solutions to any issue that you may be facing.

Please understand that if you didn't raise any issue you have here in the Survey, or immediately with your Head of the Department or Advisor, then the Faculty won't be able to help you later (e.g., after the resumption, end-of-semester, etc.)

This is COMPULSORY for all Engineering Students! Those who do not respond by August 10, 2022 will be assumed to have no issues with the teaching-learning process and continuation with their degree program under these circumstances.

Please help us to spread the message and get responses from ALL the students.

In reply to Roshan G. Ragel

Re: The Teaching-Learning Process at the Faculty of Engineering

by Roshan G. Ragel -
Dear Students

This is a follow-up to the message I posted on 3 Aug. Unfortunately, we are not seeing enough responses to the Survey. Here is the present status (with only about 50% of the students completing the survey).
While I thank those who have completed the survey, I kindly request the rest of you to take a few minutes and complete it.  As noted earlier, deciding to ignore the survey will be equivalent to accepting that there are no significant challenges in your learning activities.  
We are setting a hard deadline by the end of this week (21 Aug 2022) and we will finalize the findings and present it to the Faculty Board soon.